We learnt today the Hampshire County Council planning application for a road through the Camrose from Western Way to Winchester Road as part of a scheme relating to Brighton Hill roundabout has been rejected by the borough’s planning department . The reason for the rejection is (The proposed highway link owing to its siting would lead to the loss of an existing cultural and leisure facility without satisfactorily demonstrating that sufficient alternative provision has been made to offset this loss. As such it is contrary to paragraphs 92 c) and 97 of the National Planning Policy Framework and would be contrary to Policy CN8 of the Basingstoke and Deane Local Plan 2011-2029.)
We understand that this reflects Sport England’s objection to the loss of the sports amenity that has long been provided at the Camrose without any agreed like for like mitigation.
This indicates that no s106 agreement is in place in relation to the pending applications from Basron for the Camrose. The fight to save the Camrose continues.