Latest statement from the Community Club

It was announced last week that we were to hold a meeting with Basron to continue the process of our move to Winklebury as a community club.

We’re pleased to announce that this meeting took place as scheduled on Tuesday afternoon with members of the board, Basron and BTFC LTD.

It was agreed that we would receive prompt written confirmation from Basron instructing that the previously promised figure would be received in full upon the first phase of the Camrose planning application being approved.

It was also confirmed by Basron that this figure will be in full with Basron covering the related associated costs.

We were also delighted to be joined by Crystal Palace Charity Chairman and ex-Chair of UK athletics – Ed Warner who volunteered his services for the meeting and thank him for his enthusiastic commitment and ongoing involvement in establishing the short & long-term success of our club.

We’re looking forward to continuing the process and ensuring a positive outcome.



  1. A positive and encouraging statement and a heavyweight administer on board gives leverage to our (Community Club) situation..

  2. From a far this looks a positive move and agree new clean people on the board can only help the move to a Community Club. Just hope it’s soon!

    • Thanks for your comments and although this was a positive step, this was just the first step of a bigger fight for the Community Club to get to Winklebury and be sustainable.