Ok the Supporters Club are having a Santa Hat Day trip to the Swindon Supermarine game.
You have a week to find your Santa Hat from last year, or to purchase one for this year’s trip.
Train prices are dependant on what train you get and using a railcard and involves buying an outward and inward ticket separately
The most suitable train, but slightly more costly than other trains and arriving at Swindon around 12pm is the following;
Outward Journey Price
BSK 10.52am – arriving 11.08am Reading then departing 11.28am arriving Swindon 11.54am
Adult Price £10.25 Child £2.95
Dependant on what train we want to get home, the ticket price again varies; however, if we fancied a couple of drinks back in Swindon Town Centre then get a train back, the possible train is
Return Journey Price
Swindon 7.12pm – arriving 7.43pm Reading then departing 7.52pm arriving BSK 8.09pm
Adult Price £10.25 Child £2.95
That would be a total of Adult £20.50 Child £5.90
There are some other slightly cheaper ticket prices, but that means purchasing the tickets in advance.
Can you please confirm when replying that you are happy with this train ticket selection.
Also, as part of the Santa Hat day for those fans coming with us, there will be a penalty point rules for the day.
These will be confirmed later by Tuesday/Wednesday.
Please therefore confirm your desire to come and enjoy our last away trip before Christmas.